As we round of the year, and our 18th Episode (some great symmetry there!) we do the Top 100 in 10 Golf Podcast Awards!
Join us as we sum up our journey so far, and pick out some highlights. We also run through our golfing and non golfing resolutions for the year ahead, you might be surprised at them.
We look forward to getting on with the challenge next year and playing some amazing courses next year – happy new year!
Every story has an ending. Does our quest to play the top 100 courses in 10 years have a good ending? I’m Nish.
I’m Chris. I’m Jim.
And we’re here to guide you through this golfing journey. This is the Top 100 in 10 Golf Podcast
Episode episode 15. The one with the awards
. Maya Angelou once said people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel has got no relevance to today’s episode, but I like the quote. Who said that? Sorry, maya Angelou. It’s a very famous quote there maya, I thought you said
I was like I don’t remember Michelangelo.
yeah, yeah, famous recording you made once. So look, we’ve made it to the end of the year and I think it’s time to take stock, and the best way to do that is with some awards. Now I realize we’ve only done three courses, so it feels a bit silly Woohoo, and we’ve only done 18 episodes of the podcast as well. But we’ve got the questions down. I think it could be a good annual tradition. It might be a bit tougher next year.
Silloth I silloth think I’ll introduce this category and then we’ll just Silloth give our answers and distance it and see how we go. So these first couple words are going to be really easy, I know, but what’s been your favorite course?
Silloth far.
sillith. What’s been your favorite hole so far? Sillith number three.
Sillith number three.
Tim, what about the 19th hole at Redish Vale? Okay, slightly trickier maybe, but what has been your favorite, and this is to both of you, of course, but what’s been your favorite podcast moment so far?
not sober enough to remember I’ll, I’ll, I’ll and you know, obviously it’s a bit of a personal project, isn’t it this? So it’s what you find funny and interesting, rather than necessarily where anybody else might. We talked to the christmas special about the gallery ball and for me the whole podcast was summed up, because I had this idea and it was like I needed jim to be in it, to be this like counterpoint to eternal optimism being happy, being joyful. I needed some miserable kit next to me and the gallery ball bit summed it up for me. So I think we talked about you know what that is? And you went yeah, I know what that is.
And then jim was just like blank faced and I went ah, the gallery ball, jim, it’s brilliant. And just as I’m about to start speaking he goes, is it? And for me, that was it. That summed up the podcast. As I number one, you fulfilled your role perfectly there and number two, it just it just makes me laugh every time I listen to that episode. Is it all right? That was my personal contribute somehow.
I think that was probably your contributions have been brilliant.
So far. It’s been fantastic, uh, so that was my favorite podcast moment. No, does anything jump out at you?
um, I think the q, the q and a’s were good.
I enjoyed that they were good episodes yeah, enjoyed that.
That was good fun. We should do that again I think we should.
Yeah, yeah, maybe not let fizzle and handy send questions in.
Yeah, we should we should get a wider, a wider berth of uh, of yeah, of people.
I think that probably paved the way now for other people to now send in some questions in the future. Yeah that was good. I think that was a couple of episodes that was good. Anything for you, Jim, that jumps out.
Doesn’t have to. I think the Christmas episode was quite amusing. Did you enjoy that? I did, I did. Okay, it was particularly when you were reading out the rules.
oh, do you mean the ratings episode? The ratings? Oh yeah, I mean, yeah, innuendo bingo in that one.
Sorry yeah, I did cry, but there were tears of tears, of laughter yeah um, it was they were doing it deliberately, weren’t they?
I mean, that was they must be.
They must be somebody’s having a laugh, like monty python have done it or something, so uh I mean that was that was that was particularly amusing.
Um, I think I’ve just enjoyed the camaraderie actually that we’ve had. There’s no specific moment particularly that I’ve I’ve enjoyed. I think it’s evolved as we’ve become more comfortable with doing it, because, I mean, I’m certainly not an extrovert in any way, shape or form, um, unless I’ve had quite a lot to drink, yeah, but I think it’s it’s just been, it’s just been a great experience all all around actually. For, however, however many episodes we’ve uh, we’ve done 14, is it now?
this. This is the 18th.
18th it’s quite a nice symmetry, isn’t it? 18 episodes, 18 holes, 18 holes, yeah.
I enjoy.
I’ve enjoyed immersing myself in the world of golf again. Legitimately have reason for it now, so I can sit there and research as demonstrated by the golf. Again Legitimately have reason for it now, so I can sit there and research Exactly yeah as demonstrated by the Christmas special. Yeah, I’ve really enjoyed it.
Yeah, any excuse to wang on about golf is yeah absolutely.
You don’t get a chance to do this often, do you?
No, not whilst anyone’s listening anyway. I mean, this isn’t much different, but that’s true’s true, he was here anyway. Yeah, exactly yeah yeah, it’s two more than usual so I think I’ve probably got your answer, chris.
What your favorite episode? So probably one of the q a ones yeah, I think so.
Yeah, the two q a ones were good fun do you?
do you have a favorite episode that you know? Oh yeah, that was a good one for me.
I wasn’t on it, but I thought the episode where the first guest, alex, was really really great.
That was like a legit, genuine, good episode, wasn’t it? Yes, it was. It was like an actual podcast. An actual podcast episode yeah.
But I mean a lot of the podcasts which you know, when you release them on the Tuesday after your wonderful editing, I mean it’s good. I’m usually walking around the streets of Manchester somehow either to the gym, from the gym or listening at the gym, and I’ve obviously got a smile on my face, you know, because you’re listening to people who and I’m invested in this, yeah, yeah, not monetary-wise but in terms of time, but it, but, it’s, it’s, it’s.
You know, it’s people that you’re familiar with. That you know, and I’m I’m invested in the journey that you two you two are making, and to see how other people are interested in it as well is just brilliant. I love it. I love the fact that you know that other people are engaged with it and and it makes me, makes me smile I’m walking around the streets. You know the episode with rob.
I walked yeah, he’s from. Did you know a?
lot of them are pals. So I walked from didsbury all the way to back back into town where I live in manchester center, and then I just had a massive grin on my face the whole way and people were probably thinking what the hell is he on? I’m not, I’m just listening to my mates talking and talking about and then danika’s episode as well.
But was um, was, was, was fantastic. It was, yeah, it was wonderful, and you know, I think they’ve all been, they’ve all been great. I mean, I haven’t listened to the earlier episodes, but particularly because I was on them a lot more. Yeah, yeah, and sometimes you don’t like listening yeah yeah, but that’s past and you know it’s just.
You know reenactment and you know listen to what you’ve, what you’re chatting about, and I think it’s great good, I’m probably gonna abstain on the favorite episode just because I’m gonna go with another favorite podcast moment that was when you messaged me, when you went to lucy’s brother’s house and he messaged me just saying people have said to me oh, you’re the podcast, you’re the podcast guy and I’m brilliant.
I love that great absolutely love it.
Yeah, yeah he’s the one to me, the podcast guy, yeah um, yeah, uh, yeah, favorite episode the q and a ones were good. I think. I think the very first one we did as a trio, which was our sylith like review, review and review at the same time, that was my favorite for a couple of things. I properly fucked up. The audio didn’t like that, so it didn’t. The audio didn’t come out very well, but it was great to go from like just it was one episode before that was me and you and then before that was just me to suddenly ah, this is what it’s like actually bouncing off other people. Yeah, yeah, it’s a bit easier that way, so I think that was my favorite. That was my favorite one was it was the opening line time. You never forget your first time there you go. That was the one who’s been your favorite guest so far. Um, we’ve only had one proper, legit one, but you know which, I think are we gonna go with that?
yeah, I think he was the best guest. He was a.
He was a bit of a legend, wasn’t he? Yeah, he, yeah, he was Great storyteller. I thought, yeah yeah, yeah. I’d love to have him back in the pilot. Yeah, he was great, he was good, good fun, I know it’d be really interesting to actually follow.
You know you’ve got your journey, you’ve got a timeline for yours, he a couple of days. It’ll overtake, but you know, just to see how his whole challenge develops and how he gets on with it.
Yeah, I think if we catch up with him in a couple of years, it’ll be interesting to see where yeah, where he’s at, and I’m sure I’m sure, a number of courses at some point in the future that you’ll actually end up playing together well we said if you also play Sil.
Actually, yeah, he was, he was good he was, it was a good first guest and he made it quite easy for us as well. Actually, I think it was the worst thing is it comes on freezes a little bit yeah, I mean he had plenty of content, plenty to talk about. Yeah, it was great.
I loved it um I mean, that’s the prep that you two did as well, in fairness, to make it kind of so easy for him to be able to open up the other questions.
You know it’s that’s we knew what we were trying to get out of the chat, didn’t we? We wanted to find out about his journey really, but he could have just been. Yeah, I just paid for the golf courses and I played him and that was it. But no, he was a good character, so that was great. What’s been your worst podcast moment so far?
My worst podcast moment is every week when, for some reason, at the very start we’ve got to say I’m nish, I’m. For the first 10 episodes I was in the middle of you two. So nish says I’m nish, and I says and I’m chris, and then jim goes, I’m jim, I’m like well, fucking hell I’ve got it wrong. Now I’ve got it wrong, I’m in the middle, but the first 10 episodes I couldn’t.
I couldn’t get out of the habit of doing that, so you listen back to it.
You never even noticed it, so it’s only the last four or five where I’ve got to the point where I’ve stopped. I’m dropped saying and, but now, for some reason, I just completely switch off.
I’m like, oh shit, I’m supposed to say. So yeah, listen back it’s um, that’s another reason to listen back, I suppose there you go.
I didn’t know that so you’ve obviously picked that up, yeah when I listen to it back, I’m like you sound like a fucking moron. I mean, I sound like a moron for the rest of the podcast anyway, but even more so in the opening gambit. You, idiot, you idiot.
Have you got a worst, worst moment in this moment? I’m never going to forget not getting the audio right. That very first one, the three of us were together, so it’s a valuable lesson to learn, yeah, but you’ve sorted it out since then. I sent that audio over to India for somebody to try and clean up and get it better, and even they came back with I’m sorry, but this is just totally irrecoverable. You can’t do it. It’s like ugh.
I don’t think I’ve got a worse moment at all, um, apart from when you get a message from you back saying you say this all the time.
When you say that, I’m like, I’m becoming really self-conscious there’s one thing, and it’s because this, this last week, we’re trying to get content for for, uh, this episode. I was actually listening back to everything. I was like there was one episode where you said what’s the phrase?
all the gear no idea, and you?
said that loads.
I was like oh my god, yeah, but it must have been in context. Oh yeah, no, of course it was in relation to something I was taking the piss out of you. Obviously, yeah, but I was like why is he kept?
that’s weird. He’s got like a weird tick about saying you said this. You said it twice in the same sentence, but I don’t know whether that was because you felt you weren’t heard the first time and you’re repeating it, or you were like I don’t, I’ll have to listen back again, who knows, when you get complex about things, and then you try really hard I don’t think I’ve said it this like pod oh, you should get one in now, jim, just for uh, next question is this is for you specifically, chris.
So, um, what course are you most looking forward to playing next year? So we’ve, because we’ve got. I’ve got eight written down here, yeah, probably even more. Do you want me to run you through them?
no, I think, I think I know them all. Um, I mean, I think that that aberdeen trip is is the one I’m looking forward to. So, chatting to to my coach the other day, he said trump international is chatting to my coach we’re on that. We’re at that level now, mate.
I’ve played six rounds of golf this year now, so I’ve got a full-time coach. He hasn’t got a name. Chatting to my coach the other day, I love that netflix netflix are paying for it as well.
This is so good, that is, that’s golden. Is that now your new favourite podcast? Chatting away to my coach. So anyway, my coach and me were discussing, so he was. I was obviously telling him about what we were doing. He was saying he played Trump International. He said it’s the best golf course he’s ever played. So he’s obviously played a lot. Yeah, actual international. He said it’s the best golf course he’s ever played, so he’s obviously paid a lot.
Yeah, actual course. He said he’s. Obviously he’s played a lot of golf courses. He said it’s the best he’s ever played. How do you judge that? Yeah, well, he had five criteria how much?
how much rooting was involved? Is the question. Do you know what my answer to that is actually? Trump international. I feel like an absolute dick for saying that, but I think I’m going to come off that course, golf course, and I’m going to go. The golf course was amazing and the facilities and the state was amazing, as like, the place was amazing as well. I’m really looking forward to that yeah, I think aberdeen for me.
I’m looking forward to that royal aberdeen, I mean I think that’s gonna be to be a good track.
It looks like there’s a lot of really good golf up there In the summertime yeah, mid -Central Sideways, rain yeah, 40 mile an hour gusts.
Yeah, you’re thinking it’s all going to be fucking Tenerife.
It’s not going to be. I hope it is. What’s your goal? I’ll start with you, jim. Actually, I hope it is. I’ll start with you, jim. Actually, what’s your golfing target for next year to?
play more than three rounds.
Perhaps we’ve not had a chance this year, though, because, with your hand surgery, you didn’t know what I was going to say. Jim’s had some hand surgery and me travelling and you’re travelling.
Yeah, he’s been in the country less than been away unfortunately, though, I’m kind of still tax resident here, so, uh, I’ve got a bloody tax bill in january sell some more of that bullion, mate, don’t worry about it.
Yeah, yeah, have you got. Have you got a target that?
you want to.
I’d like to beat 100 on a good few occasions oh nice, that’s a good one, and I’ve done it before but I’ve not done it much recently.
Yeah, that’s a good golf experience. It is consistency, I think you know that comes back to play, because you know what I can have a few good golfing holes and then there’s always a couple where they’re not quite double figures but not too far away. That kind of ruins you around. Of course it does.
Have you got anything? What’s your coach said?
yeah, I mean, we’re focusing sort of longer term and thinking more like open qualification, that sort of. Well, yeah yeah, fair enough, but um, but I guess, if we’re speaking specifically about next, year.
That’s where you’re playing birkdale, playing it actually at the open um.
That is some challenging.
I will, I will applaud that absolutely uh, I guess it would be nice to do something in the 70s next year. That would would be a nice little box to tick, I think.
Yeah, I’d like to break 90 somewhere next year on one of the top 100 courses. Ideally, I’d like to do a plus 18. A plus 18 would be great because that’s playing to my handicap. What I would like to do is if I could do half a course in par, I get nine pars or better, obviously, but nine pars across an 18 hole somewhere, that would be. I think that would be another little target. No, I’ve got another one. I want to make it around with the same ball and it got so close at moortown uh, but I think, yeah, if I could break 90 somewhere, then that’s getting me into.
I know most of these are like par 70 to 72, aren’t they? So that that’s getting me in that playing to my handicap, yeah, would be pretty good. I think that’ll be, because I think some of these are going to be pretty challenging, aren’t they? Yeah, we’ve got some tough courses there. I think we we have.
Yeah we have.
Yeah, and then finally, chaps, do you have any New Year’s resolutions which could be golfing or non-golfing?
I certainly haven’t got any golfing resolutions for the New Year.
Golfing resolutions. I would like to, and it doesn’t have to be in one of these courses. My golfing resolution is. My lowest score so far is 79. I would like to beat my lowest score so far 79. I would like to beat my lowest score this year.
I don’t know how many opportunities I’m going to get to do that, because I think predominantly I’m playing tough courses and new courses opportunities you just never know, the role of the ball goes the right way and but if I can beat my own personal low score this year, I’m going for that. That’ll be. At the moment I cannot see that happening because my swing’s up, as TikTok has proved my swing’s pretty awful at the minute. But that’s my golfing resolution.
Yeah, I think maybe, after the stats that we had in the last episode, maybe I should be a bit kinder to myself on the course Be kinder to yourself.
I think that’s a good one, isn’t it?
That’s quite a good one, yeah.
I think I can just about manage that. Actually, I’m not sure I can.
I don’t think you can. I’m a real bastard to myself. Yeah, I don’t think you can, Especially on a golf course. What’s happening here? Otherwise, Any other? Yeah, anything else. I’d like to lose a bit of weight actually. Actually, I’m determined for next year I’m going to lose weight. I say that every year.
Not the number. I don’t say it every year.
I say that it’s not the number I’m worried about, it’s just being a bit more toned. I think next year I’m going to do it. I’ve really worked on getting my gut bacteria sorted out this year. Yeah, that was a hard challenge. I’ve got that sorted, good win. I’m going to drink red wine again now, which is a great win. But yeah, I think next year I think, yeah, that’ll help me with the golf.
I’ll get a bit stronger because I get back in the gym, so I won’t try and do that so yeah.
Try trying to yeah you, jim, get a job. You’re still not near a job. I am quite near a job. Oh yeah, I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah, somebody’s fallen for it. What do you mean? Fallen for it? Fallen for your charms?
why don’t you want me? Why don’t you want?
me notice period. Nobody wants a five-year notice period.
Yeah, that’s it. So, yeah, no, I’ve decided I want to go back to work and decide where I want to get back to work in the same industry be ashamed to lose you from the, the unemployed roster, jim.
Haven’t claimed anything, though they need that. Haven’t played anything apart from relief on a golf course. That’s it great. I thought that was a good review. It’d be good to do it next year when we’ve got a few more courses to actually go on yeah might have to take some notes for next year.
I was thinking that I think when I’m playing next year that could be. My new year’s resolution is to get a yardage chart and actually just write some notes every time we’re playing a. I’m just going to add a couple of notes.
Apparently those Garmin things are really good.
Do a little voice note. Yeah, as we hit the end of the year, here are the best bits of our podcast, according to us. We hope you enjoy listening to them.
So this McKenzie chap. Sorry, dr McKenzie.
Yeah, doctor. I mean, he didn’t get his doctorate for just to be called McKenzie chap, did he? You know whatever?
He didn’t get his doctorate, for just to be called.
Mackenzie chap. Did he Whatever? Maybe he did, maybe he liked it, I don’t know this Mackenzie chap.
It was underwhelming, I think, wasn’t it?
Gibraltar I want to know who got closest to the pin.
There is a picture actually.
So there is a picture which we should show you.
Do you want the full story about what happened?
I think we should show Jim the picture first. Okay, right, you adjudicate, he can adjudicate which is closest. We have to discuss the technicality of it all. I mean it’s not really a technicality, is it Nish?
It’s kind of the rules of golf, but it just depends what you meant by. When you said closest to the pin, did you mean off your first tee shot? Well there is that.
I thought that was the asterisk in fairness. Oh no, no, this is Liverpool.
Southport train. Okay, there’s one specific train.
Yes, Is that it Is?
that railway line. That’s it. It goes from Southport all the way down to Hunts Cross by Liverpool Central. It doesn’t go by L, the Wirra lines and, being an avid train spotter, and all this.
I think you’ll find.
That was the B5932.
That was actually the South Portland line. I think I’ll let you know.
But, built in 1928.
Jim, I never had you down for train spotter. I’m not a train spotter. In raw excitement I think I was eating a sausage. I was like, do you mind if I tea? I’m not eating anything. So I step up on the 10th on the par three and as soon as I was over the ball I just again it’s manifesting right and it’s just. I went I’m going to top this ball. Yeah, I just know I’m going to top it. I’ve also got a bit of a confession, nish. I never.
I never take. You’ve seen me. I don’t take pictures or videos whilst I’m on the course. Oh, you didn’t, did you? I did, I videoed that t-shirt. So I’ve actually got I’ve actually got some video evidence of that.
I’ll show you that.
I’ll show you that later I’ll send it on to you, you’ve done.
I had a chance, chance conversation with one of my best pals, rob, aka the Robster Robot, or the White Telly Savalas.
Just because I’m convinced that I’m going to capture a hole-in-one.
A hole-in-one, yeah, yeah.
And the fuckers didn’t record me. On the 17th at the Soho Cup, finkercortison and my mate put it to about that and I went past him. I turned away and everyone started yelping because it spanned back and lit the hole, almost shaved the hole. That’s the only time I was like right boys, that is it new rule you have to video me every single time I do a fast-forward.
It’s the best it’s a measure of someone having a great class. There was this one a one time where this one time at pilates camp and I was like right, everybody. And then I was kind of like we’ve done the meditation. I was like trying to bring them back into the room and I was like, if you just gently want to open your eyes, you just gently want to sit up, and there was a lady right at the back of class snoring. So she was there with a friend, so a friend was poking her.
Nothing, nothing, absolutely god she was in a trance.
She was in a trap and I was like just gently and when everybody’s ready, and she was just still flat out asleep. So I walked over and I was like it’s okay. Now you come on, love your time I was like no, no, I was like I’ve seen tom, have you ever played burkdale?
I’m from control freaks yeah, yeah, control freaks really really people who are late actually I can’t. That’s just the party this is a massive thing if you’re late. It’s just the height. For me, that’s the height of rudeness. Neil, are you listening?
Just to know I was also late for the podcast tonight.
Go back to question number two. Maybe that’s when we fall out.
It’s already started, so I’m not superstitious at all. However, there is one superstition for golf that I have, and I will always play golf in blue underpants, always, okay, why?
Don’t know.
That’s how I used to. I must have had some good rounds at some point in blue underpants, and I’ve never gone back. I’ll always play golf.
I’m not going to test this theory out, by the way, Chris.
I mean, I’m not playing golf today, so I don’t know what I’m going to find out, so you’re going commando now is that yeah?
so it hits the screen and instead of going to the left, it goes off to the right. I’m like, well, that’s not right. I know for a fact that that ball has got draw, spin on it. It’s not slicing, it’s not going that way. So my ball goes out to the. This is a fucking con. Sherry Gibbs fixed it. So Nish got his new. He lost it. He’s got a new Garmin and he lent me his Garmin.
He didn’t lend it to you. He gave it to you, he gave it to me, he gifted it.
He gifted it to me.
Did he declare that on your tax?
return. It was it. It’s a tax write-off. What did you think of the accuracy of the simulator? I mean, it’s still bullshit.
Is this one that you played Augusta? You chose to play Augusta.
We played Augusta yeah.
You did a poll on Instagram, didn’t you?
But only I responded after we’d played.
That’s a quote by John Steinbeck. I’ve never heard of him, but I thought it was a good quote. Oh, no way, do you know who? John Steinbeck? I’ve never heard of him, but I thought it was a good play. Oh, no way, do you?
know who John Steinbeck is. Of course I do Grapes of Wrath. I’ve literally just finished reading one of his books Of Mice and Men oh.
Mice and Men, yeah all right, I’m too busy laughing at the fact that you’re on episode 12 and you still love to. Oh yeah, fair enough.
Have you not got a tattoo yet, Nish?
They’re doing it deliberately now. Conversely, do you hit the highest notes before running out of steam prematurely? I mean they’re having a laugh with this. Surely Is it because they know nobody’s going to get down and read this?
I just, I don’t know this feels it’s controlled Someone’s taking a piss with this. Someone’s taking their piss.
Maybe I should have read this before it came up. Actually, maybe I did. I just left it to see your natural reaction. That’s us signing off for this calendar year. We all wish you a happy new golf year. We’ll see you in the new year, when we’re hoping to make a real dent in our top 100 list.
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